• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition

Mark Nauseef

Pays d'origine: États-Unis d'Amérique
Date d'anniversaire: 11 juin 1953

À propos de Mark Nauseef

Mark Nauseef, born in 1953 in the USA, Percussionist, has performed and recorded for more than forty years with musicians from around the world in an unusually wide variety of musical situations including improvised, non-Western, rock, R&B, orchestral, and jazz, as well as the hybrid genre created by bringing these different kinds of music together. Nauseef studied drum set, Javanese Gamelan, Balinese Gamelan, North Indian Pakhawaj drumming, Ghanaian drumming and dance, 20th century Western percussion techniques and the frame drum techniques of the Middle East, India and the Caucasus. His current musical activities include recording and performance as a member of The Kudsi Erguner Ensemble, led by the Turkish classical Sufi ney master and composer Kudsi Erguner.

